Middlesbrough Mega Maths Winning School
The Middlesbrough Mega Maths competition came to an end on 28th May 2021. We had hundreds of students joining from across the region which is absolutely amazing.
The winning student, from Captain Cook primary school in Marton, achieved an astonishing 4,597 stars and played many, many hours of Zap Maths. This student will be receiving their prize in the coming weeks so watch this space for some photos of the happy occasion. The winning primary school had a total of 95 pupils involved in the competition, with a total of 18,042 stars being earned from 8th March to 28th May.
Hundreds of pupils have been playing Zap in their own time, helping to ensure they make up for any lost learning as a result of the pandemic. Not only does this show the value students place on their own learning, but also just how enjoyable playing Zap Maths was.
Overall, we had 340 students sign up to the competition, 37,750 stars earned and 81 hours of maths games being played by children! We are hoping to have made a positive impact on the education of hundreds of students in the area and work with schools to raise the attainment of students in the area from 25% not reaching the expected level of attainment to being more in line with national average.
Find out more from our website